Expert Pilots, Cinematographers, Drone/ Gimbal Technicians and AC's. CM teams operate with experienced three person crews consisting of a CASA licensed pilot, gimbal operator and visual observer. Our crew-members are experts in their craft and passionate visual storytellers. We will work with your creative team to precisely execute your vision.
CM operates a state of the art fleet of Freefly Altas and MoVi Gimbals which enable our crew to provide you with unparalleled reliability and precise stabilised camera movement. We specialise in flying the ARRI Alexa Mini and RED camera packages. CM also flies and operates smaller camera and drone packages for specialised situations, indoor projects and when the aerial platform is in close proximity to talent.
CM assists clients with permitting, insurance certificates, CASA rule compliance and equipment choices. We are actively engaged with your production team to streamline the permitting process.
Cinematic Motion utilises the industry's highest grade equipment – With off the shelf and custom built aerial systems – we have what’s needed for your next production.